I came across a photo of one being used on a Mystere, clone of Andrews. It seemed like the simplest thing going, as far as tension your rig, & detension at the end of the day.
I leave my mast up, & solo quite a bit, this setup looks dead easy to use solo, & simplifies connecting the drum of jib furler to the forestay.
Any reason they are not more common, as long as you used good line & replaced it each season?
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
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Pros & cons of a Portuguese turnbuckle?
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Ok, you cant just toss this lingo on us less experienced skippers without a pic. I've been through a cup and half of coffee looking for pics of the portuguese turnbuckle.
Now I'm wondering if I bit on a "snipe hunting" trip. Is there a pic of this rig?
Memphis, TN
'84 Hobie 18
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No skyhook trip either. Essentially it is just a piece of line that you run from the bottom thimble,(or shackle) of your forestay to the shackle,(or furling drum)that joins the bridal wires.
I read a thread on another forum where it was suggested to pin two 10 hole chainplates together.
Another member posted the following,
"Here's what we use around here. We call it a Portuguese turnbuckle. It makes mast rake and rig tensioning easy and can be done solo. Start by tying about 3 feet of 5/32 line to your forestay. When you've looped it to about 3 to 1 onto your bridles/furler you can haul downward and tighten the rig WAY tight. If you want to rake further just ease this turnbuckle, drop the side stay pins down a hole and retension the turnbuckle. Tack your jib to the furler shackle and the whole turnbuckle hides inside the jib luff."
Andrew commented on the setup, so he might be familiar with it.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
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Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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Ok got it. Thanks for the pic Damon.
Memphis, TN
'84 Hobie 18
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Thanks Damon, that is the pic from the thread I found, your way was better than the link I posted,
SOOO, any comments as to pros/con?
I know I posted way back in th espring that I was going to a furling system, but I didn't have all the info I needed, & I really wanted to sail my 5.7 every day I could,(37tgh day today this summer) SOOO, I have all the parts,(thanks Wolfman for sending me that brand new forestay)I have to swallow & say I still don't have it rigged up, & it's really pi.s.sing me off because if there was ever a reason for a furler, yesterday in 50 clicks was it,(how many of you have tried to tie that damned jib onto the blocks in 50 clicks?) & I'm down to the short strokes now & want it done the best way possible, & Damon does too because I'm going to document in in the Queens English & file it here so we never have 4000 posts asking how to do it & everybody here is really getting drunk because it's Thaksginving, wre eating & drinking really good German beer & my Doctor daughter just told me this is a really runon sentence, & I don';t care because you guys are not doctors, & what the h.e.l.l( I never know what i have to censor)whre is Andrew???? Andrew, get SANBOXIE, your'e boss can't tell what your;'e surfing, even porn... tell us about the P Turnbuckle, it looks simple, effective, cheap...on further thougght have you guys ever thought about killing everyone at Pibst Blue Ribbon because they brew shyte & buying good German beer???? I'm gong to come down there & bring as much as they wikl let me, & convert ya'all because our season is damned near over, like tomorrow, & that treally sucks because I'm not ready to quit yet, & my wife is making loise beacuasd I'm trying to buy another Cat, & we don;t really need one, but I wanty one. Does this make sense, can anyone tell me about a PTB???
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap