Ok here it is, the master thread. With as many older Hobie cat 18's that may be worked on to renew to safe sailing condition, let's just use this link.
We've discussed righting lines and systems, mast leaking and booms and by all means one may put any question here regarding fixing up their boat including topics already discussed. Initially I had asked if one thread would work, but getting no answer I proceeded to list multiple threads about individual subjects and as a result of learning others have similar questions and answers, perhaps one place would serve to handle all of it.
We were discussing boom cars. The car I was referring to slides in a track between the two rope jams closest to the gooseneck. The piece of metal is the same fitting that is used to screw the the rope jams down yet is not as high. It moves freely back and forth between the two rope jam cleats bulkheads, which stops it's movement at both cleats. It has a hole in the center and two holes that run parallel to the track. There's already a bungie at the aft end of the boom with the same fitting. What does the inner car do? And is there something that comes out of the hole, a pulley etc.? I'd post a pic but do not have an external photo account to post a link.
Edited by goodsailing on Feb 25, 2015 - 09:38 AM.
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
Balt-Wash Area
Referbing Hobie 18 Thread
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Correction: there is not the same fitting that slides freely between the outer outhaul jam cleats. The outer bungie is tied off through the holes in the bulkheads that the jam cleats are screwed into, aft end of the middle jam cleat
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
Balt-Wash Area
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Without a picture of what you are describing, it is hard to know for sure, but I would say it is either one of two things:
1) Something custom that a previous owner created (possibly some type of mast rotation device or other gizmo). Definitely not something stock.
2) A barber hauler system. The very, very, very early Hobie 18s had a "barber hauler" system for the jib. The system had lines that were connected near the midpoint of the boom at one end with a cleat, and each end of the line had a stainless ring that ran out to the jib sheets (between the jib blocks). This allowed you to pull the jib sheet farther inboard (i.e., close the slot).
I don't recall ever seeing this system in person as it was quickly abandoned and no one uses this system anymore. If your boat is from the '70s, I would guess that is probably what the part is you're referring to. If this is what's on your boat, I would remove it. As I said, it is something that was quickly abandoned by Hobie.
sm -
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In the hobie 18 manual they show a pully there. It must have been used for increasing torque on the outhaul. I take it that now, there's only one main sail outhaul at the aft sail foot which utilizes the bungie to spring the sail towards the gooseneck when loosening the outhaul line. Correct?
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
Balt-Wash Area
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Edited by goodsailing on Feb 25, 2015 - 02:17 PM.
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
Balt-Wash Area
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Is this what your looking for?
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
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No that's on the aft end of the boom. The little gismo slides between the rotator outhaul jam cleat, which is the first cleat from the gooseneck and slides to the middle boom jam cleat. The photo I displayed is the gooseneck side of the boom not the aft end of the boom. The outhaul featured is in the cleat closest to the mast and that outhaul goes through the old style pulley located on the mast rotator. Nice illustration though. Thanks!
Edited by goodsailing on Feb 25, 2015 - 01:40 PM.
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
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Your link takes me to a google page with a message saying I don't have permission to view it and has a button to request permission.
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
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Try this one
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
Balt-Wash Area
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Here's how to create your own photo albums and post pictures in the forum.
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
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This may be what your seeing?
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
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I read through all this but it points you to outside vendors for posting pics. What I need is the upload form for here to create an album at this domain.
Yes that is the part but what does it do in there? It's sliding back and forth between the two jam cleats.
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
Balt-Wash Area
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In the menu at the top of this page go to Photo Albums, member personal albums.
Click on add album in the left border above the search all albums bar.
That takes you to the setup.
This is what the clamcleats are bolted to. 2 per cleat.
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi
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I wonder why there's a spare one in there running around as all the cleats have them?
Edited by goodsailing on Feb 25, 2015 - 03:03 PM.
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
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Someone might have lost one in there and didn't want to drill the end caps off again so just left it. When you are dealing with 40 years of boat history you never know what went on.
For your Hobie 18 repair project pictures, feel free to create albums in the Beachcat Technical album. Give each album descriptive titles like "Hobie 18 Boom Rebuild" etc. to help the next guy.
Instructions are in my signature and here.
Let me know if you have trouble. One thing these days is that although there is no specified limit for the size of the the pictures you upload, they will be re-sized after upload, pictures straight out of a camera these days can be over 4,000 pixels wide and several megabytes each. So if you can learn how to resize you pics down to 1600 max pixels everything will go more smoothly.
I use a good free tool for quick resizes,
it even does batch resizes and renames the resulting files. That way you can change a bunch of images from 3mb files with names like img3232323.jpg to 300k files with descriptive names like mast-rebuild-1.jpg, mast-rebuild-2.jpg etc. Makes it a lot easier on you when you need to find the files later on your computer.
Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN
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How To Display Pictures In The Forums.
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I have the opportunity to buy Cat trax for hobie 16. Will the that work for hobie 18? If not can you get extensions. I'm not sure the beam of both 16 and 18. Thanks in advance.
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
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Yes, they will work fine. You may want to get some hull cradles if not included with the trax.
sm -
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Cool, thanks for the info...
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
Balt-Wash Area
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Here's the aft end of the boom. Note corrosion has eaten through. The end cap, which was aluminum is really corroded on the inside. I'm not sure if it is salvageable or not. New one's are $58 special order from Murry's. I plan on patching holes with epoxy micro balloons and will use small fiber on the end as backing. Sand then paint. It will look new when finished.
Laser-Standard Rig (Sold 6/15)
H18 (Sold 7/15)
Building 19' Tacking Outrigger
Balt-Wash Area
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For the corrosion at the end of the boom, I would probably just nip 1/2" off the end of the boom by carefully cutting it with a sharp hack saw blade. The boom on the 18 is a bit longer than it needs to be, so I don't think this would be a problem.
For the holes in the body of the boom, I would just sail it like it is. The 18 boom is pretty bomb proof, so I think you'll be OK. The boom on my 18 has had one fairly large corrosion hole similar to yours for a long time and it has been OK.
I would recommend you pull off the stainless block hangers and check to make sure there's no corrosion at the rivet holes or under the straps. If there is, clean it up really well, and re-assemble with a barrier between the stainless and aluminum (either electrical tape or tef-gel grease). Also, if you plan to upgrade to a single triple block on the boom, you should angle the middle boom bale forward about 15-20 degrees, and you could do that at the same time.
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