Catamaran Sailing |
The New Sailing Rules
Jeff, Thank you for taking the time to contribute to OTW. It is really a fun site. I'll take these one at a time on the rules issues. Point one: "avoiding contact" Read back over that carefully, you will find that the starboard tack boat shall not be disqualified unless there is serious damage, rest assured the port tack boat will be DSQ's even if there is no contact but a ":substancial alteration of course" was required by the stbd boat. You must combine the statement and sub a) + b) to gain the result. In other words if you made a clear attempt to avoid contact you will be absolved provided it was reasonable and prudent for the given conditions. The terms "onus" and "burdened" may no longer be used in protest hearings as those terms have been deleted by ISAF as have their concepts. Example 2 Trap harness: The issue is not that this shall be a flotation device but rather that it shall not hinder the competitor by weighing them down in the water (ie it needs to be just neutrally buoyant +) There is a strong urge to add weight to the harness to make it perform as a weight jacket which has been deleted from allowable equipment in the new rules. If memory serves, the Brighten interpretations of this issue specifically allow trapezing and do not consider it hiking by the new definitions. This is not intended as a contradiction or flame, simply Peter Isler and my interpretations on the new rules (we sail together). Mark Michaelsen Small Craft Advisories Sailing Centers Mr. Browning responds: Mark, Thank you for your response. All of these points shed a significant degree of light on the new rules and are well received. Thanks for taking the time to further explain any shortcomings of of my interpretations - I am sure that other readers will appreciate the clarification on each point. I know I certainly do! Thanks, Jeff Downloading the Whole Issue Bill, Absolutely GREAT publication !!! Is it possible to download a whole issue of OTW onto my local PC so that I can read it off-line in my own time, rather then only when I have access to the net ? Simon Taylor Bognor Regis Yacht Club, UK H16 81930 Thanks for the compliments, Simon. At this time we have not provided this capability, although I've been thinking about storing a "zipped" version someplace. For now, you have to select FILE/SAVE in your browser to save an article, then use the right mouse button on each picture to save the graphics. I'll be sure to announce if and when we provide issue downloads. -ed. The Willcox Jet Trailer One of the funnest damn things I've seen on the internet every and that's not just because it bears my name! My boss's comment when I was reading it and laughing so hard he said "Scott Maybe in the new building we should build you a cage instead of an office!". He did point out that the jet fuel specified was not the fuel used by the full sized jet (he was in the Air Force and said no self respecting high performance, air breathing engine would use any less than JP4 which 5 years ago was $20 plus a gallon)-Bill is this a editorial slip or was the reasoning downsizing of the engines permit using cheaper fuel? Would Frank be willing to do performance benchmarks for a case of mean green for us that cost is not object when it comes to speed? Also when it comes to armaments can we mount the same anti-pwc missles used it your previous review? If we need to I have done regression testing in the past so maybe I could help in this area. What was the final prototype cost? I have some friends in defense manufacting and we might sell this idea to the Marines for serious cash. Matter of fact all the branchs are looking for new fighters....!!! Scott Willcox In honor of the old tow vehicle......... 87 Ford Taruas Station Wagon Ohio Tags H16 XTC May you rust in peace Excellent article .... a real hoot to read! Bob Johnson For some sick reason, I had the most fun writing the articles on the missiles, jatos, and trailers that go way too fast. One interesting aspect is that the folks at Hobie have yet to get upset about me blowing up their boats. My hat is off to them. You usually don't find that sense of humor in most big companies. -ed. |
Your Trailer with the F-14 powerplant and vert stabalizers is too cool and
the story will keep me laughing for a decade....
I just want to see Frank land it on a pitching deck in 45 knots of wind in the snow in the middle of the night with a live load...." the corners of the deck" My simulator keeps me happy and I can walk away evrytime....don't miss it a bit. "Hornet 1019'cobra' your are cleared for take off, 9 paws in the pattern..." "Roger Papa,...Ready on the cat.? "Ready on the cat." "Launch the snake" "OOOOffhhhh" (thinking of why I ate a chili dog in the mess an hour ago) don't miss it a bit....... Mark Michaelsen Small Craft Advisories Sailing Centers Great Jet trailer story. A wonderful diversion from my many midterms today, Thanks!!! One problem though, why did it crash when it went off of the end of the pier, it should have either taken of in the air, or been absolutely screaming through the water...H16 don't have hull speeds after all. It should have either flown or sailed...what went wrong? You should definately give it another try. Julia Aspiring Test Pilot With all due respect to Julia's correspondence, please don't encourage Mr. Mattson any further. ps: Just when the skin grafts were beginning to take! Frank "Nine Fingers and a burnt scalp" Pineau Henry Mayo Trauma Center Bed 16 Sailing the Drifter: What to do When the Wind Drops Hi Bill, Here is is, midnight friday and I am clearing my mail and you tell us that OTW is ready. So I go to look, and the first thing I see is a sub-heading; What do you do when the wind drips?" Be a pal and change it to "drops". It's got an "o" in the middle. The embarrassment to the editor alone..... And what about the sponsors? Kim Miller Man, am I glad you are in a way different time zone than most of the readers. The titles are one of the things I reformat, so I made the error. Sorry 'bout that. (Great article, by the way.) -ed. Kim, In the pic in your story with the dog on the tramp, the mast has alot of rake to it. The boom seems to be just off the blocks. What is a good angle for a H16? thanks, Ross H16 23824 Rev. Miller Responds: Hi Ross, On my H14t I have as much mast rake as possible. This means lengthening the forestay until the blocks are just about touching at maximum main sheet tension with the traveller in the centre. The sidestays are part of this also, as they need adjusting up to cope with the rake. I can't give you an angle for the H16, as I don't know what angle my H14t is running. The top of the mast is about directly over the rear crossmember on my boat, maybe a little behind it, when sitting on level ground. My sail is the older 5 batten sail. I believe the newer 6 batten sail on the H14 is cut differently to allow for more rake. I found when I set up for the extreme rake (it meant buying new low profile blocks) that the boat goes faster, does not want to pitchpole as much, sails flatter, does not lift the windward hull as easily, but gets into irons in light wind more easily. You might like to ask the hobie list for a H16 sailor to give you some advice about suitable rake for the kind of sailing you do. Cool Port of Call: The Worrell 1000 Dear Bill, Thanks for the link and kind word. Our site received almost 300,000 "hits" during the race (Mon, May 5 - Sat, May 17) almost 200,000 of those during the last week. Thanks again, Mike Worrell |
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