Catamaran Sailing |
Catamaran Crewing
Bill, This months OTW looks great. Your piece on first time racing brought back memories. Be careful racing can be addicting! I wanted to purchase ~Catamaran Crewing~ after reading WW piece. He mentions that you can get it through Amazon. But it is not in the OTW buy books online. Can you add it to the list? Thanks, Gary Willcox Thanks for supporting the site through book purchases, Gary. Unfortunately, the last time I checked, this book was not available through Amazon. -ed. New Links Next update time would you post our page/pages? Hobie fleet 273 Alton Lake Sailing Assoc Thanks PS I enjoy your magazine it's a good read. Carl Fischer Thanks for the great links, Carl. They are now on our links page. -ed. Racing for the First Time Bill, I just read your article about your first racing experience. I haven't tried racing yet and can really relate to this article, it was great, thanks for writing it and sharing it. Steve Bryant Moline, IL H18Mag Thanks, Steve. If you're thinking about racing, do it. You'll have lots of fun. -ed. A Visit With the Coast Guard Bill, just read your articles on racing and your Station Channel Islands visit. Both were great. As an 18 year veteran of the CG, and a brand new owner of a 1982 Hobie 16, I was interested to read both articles. I'm glad the Petty Officers at the station gave you a good tour and was happy to learn that you and your son survived your racing experience - it sounded like a lot of fun. I look forward to seeing more of your work and pictures. Pat Stadt Annapolis, Maryland Thanks for the compliments as well as your work with a fine organization, Pat. If you enjoyed the issue, be sure and visit the archives section. There are more issues there. -ed. |
You Never Really Lose the Fever
Hi Bill. Great magazine, I love it. Got me back into Hobiecats after a 10 year absence. Bought a used 18 a couple of months ago so please remove my ad.Thanks again for your time and effort in putting this mag out. John Kloppenburg Magnum 18 No problem, John. Welcome back to the sport! -ed. Problems in the Archives Hello Mr. Mattson, I REALLY enjoy OTW. I have encountered mapping errors when trying to access archived articles. I'm especially interested in reading an article from Ms. Tami Shelton called "Watch your Attitude". I hope they can be fixed soon as I can't wait to dive into the archives of OTW !!!! Have a Great Day, Len Thanks for the note on the mapping errors. I checked this out and it appears that there are some misconfigurations in the "clickable" covers within the archives. Until this is corrected, you can use the text menu to the right of the cover. Click on the Feature Articles option (in the Feb 97 issue), and you will be able to access Tami's article. -ed. Article Reprints Hi Bill, I as well as quite a few other Hobie sailors here in Hong Kong have long been fans of On the Wire. We'd like to use one or two of your tech tips for our quarterly newsleter. The one about solo stepping your mast is especially pertinent to us. Since it's typhoon season here we've made it mandatory to drop masts. Is there a procedure to reprint the articles?... Also, we'd like to give you some free ad space in the Newsletter. Is it OK to use your front page graphic? Chris Giacomelli I appreciate your courtesy in making this inquiry, Chris. I have no problem with the use of the tech tips, but would like to get an OK from the author(s) as well. Contact the author by email (if the email is not in the tech tip, it's probably in the readers section). If you cannot locate the address, let me know which tip(s) your interested in, and I'll get word to the author. Again, thanks for the consideration here. It's something that is not normally given attention on the 'net. For a free ad, you are welcome to use any of the front page graphics or pictures from articles authored by myself or Frank Pineau. Thanks! Note that we are in need of articles, especially for the Aug and Sep issues. If you have anything from your newsletter you think would look good on our site, let me know ASAP. Hope to hear from you soon! -ed. |
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