Catamaran Sailing |
The PWC Article Lives On...And On...And On... Very intertaining, great stuff. Loved the WAV file. Kim Coleman This was brilliant!!!! Jackie Thomas That's the most horrendous thing I've ever seen, smoking a cigar upwind of your sail, tsk.tsk.tsk. Julian Kroin Harpoon 5.2 "L'eau Blow" Good joke...If you need a pro to touch-up those photo's for you, I don't charge much and do a hell of a lot better job than you do. Guy Ya slay me, guy. You don't charge much and do a better job? I didn't charge anything and I blew that PWC to smithereens! -ed. Excellent! How did you make it so realistic?? My site is not as technical as yours....but the the humor is that of a kindred spirit. Thanks for the laugh. Dane Tessler Treasure Island, FL There's rumors on how we made it so realistic. Our rumor is that we actually did it. Our legal department's rumor says that we used MicroGrafx Picture Publisher. Visited your site... Very impressive job! -ed. Loved the fine photos of your PWC deterent system. I quit lake sailing a few years ago, I prefer the wide wide open open spaces of the ocean, the PWC's are not such a pain to me. But I'm still wondering if any of the surplus places offer these "systems" at reduced prices. Jim King |
$58,000 is not so high to get rid of a PWC. Where can I order one. I
checked Boat-US and Defenders.
Pete Cavalla We've contacted Wallmart to work with us as a distributor. So far they have not returned our calls. You're on your own on this one. -ed. Great Job, Thanks for a laugh! If you don't mind, I'll put a link from our Club page to it. We are next to a public ramp and they are a real pain in the butt! John Retkowski No problem. Thanks for the link. We do not recommend the use of sidewinders near public ramps, since the "collateral damage" can be rather high to "friendlies" and on shore structures such as your yacht club. Once they're in the open, have at it! -ed. You're a sick and twisted individual. If you're ever around Eagle Mountain Lake in north Texas I'd like to buy you a beer. Maybe several. Steve Coleman Summer's Eve Catalina 25 #4489 Eagle Mountain Lake, TX Thanks, Steve. It's emails like this that make all that work worthwhile. Well... actually, it's the free beer. I will definately t ake you up on this if I'm ever in the area! -ed. Top Ten Signs You Can't Wait for Summer 10 (a) You are thinking so much about boating that a supermarket has "isle"s instead of "aisle"s. Doug Whisler |
It has always been our intent to enrich the sport of catamaran sailing in whatever way we can. Readers are free to reproduce On The Wire articles authored by Bill Mattson or Frank Pineau. For articles written by others, it is suggested that the author be contacted first. (Unless a copyright notice appears, in which case this is a requirement.) |
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