Views: 1659

Hello, if you are still looking, please check out my 2021 Nacra 570 Sport for sale on this site.
Ad Details: "Nacra 5.8" by startingsalor - : 5/17/21 - Condition: n/a

Views: 3355

Any pictures?
Ad Details: "2001 ARC 21 Carbon Project boat" by captdk - : 5/7/21 - Condition: n/a


Views: 4744

Boat is still available. Please provide your contact info if you are interested.
Ad Details: "1995 Supercat 17" by jjmcdonough - : 9/13/21 - Condition: n/a


Views: 4744

Is this boat still available? I am interested. I can't get through on your phone #.
Ad Details: "1995 Supercat 17" by jjmcdonough - : 9/13/21 - Condition: n/a

Views: 1106

I looked at the H18 setup but couldn't make out size or shape really. I'll take another look.

The 'divot' on the 5.0 base is relatively center of the mast and you force the rotation with the tongue. The 'divot' on the 5.7 is offset and much closer to the leading edge of the mast and intended to rotate on its own.
Ad Details: "G-Cat 5.7 Mast Base" by mrvideo - : 8/23/21 - Condition: n/a

Views: 1106

Ive heard that the Gcat and Matrix shared some parts. Here is what my casting looks like.
Im playing around using a H18 base. So the center hole is not offset?
Ad Details: "G-Cat 5.7 Mast Base" by mrvideo - : 8/23/21 - Condition: n/a

Views: 1106

No I purchased boat with a broken base. I have spoken to Hans and he does not have any available. I have a base for a 5.0 which the "center" is off from the 5.7 and I'd need to cut off the rotator. But waiting to see if a 5.7 one comes available before I do that.
Ad Details: "G-Cat 5.7 Mast Base" by mrvideo - : 8/23/21 - Condition: n/a

Views: 1106

Did u break your old one? They originally were designed for rope instead of hard bolt. You can probably weld them since they are pretty scare. Hans the designer might still have them.
Ad Details: "G-Cat 5.7 Mast Base" by mrvideo - : 8/23/21 - Condition: n/a

Views: 1874

Still looking...
Ad Details: "Hobie Getaway" by ceentrikin - : 8/24/21 - Condition: n/a

Views: 2101

There are 2 arms, straight or curved. If you still have the old arm you can reuse it, then any casting will work
Ad Details: "Port side casting for the rudder and arm for a Nacra 5.8" by JETSFA - : 8/24/21 - Condition: n/a

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