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2011 Hobie 16
posted by wczubal1

2011-Hobie 16, $4500/OBO Looking to sell my 2011 Hobie 16 Catamaran. I bought it in 2014 and it is in a great shape. We recently had a baby so won't be able to sail it for a w ...
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8/29/21 9:36pm
2011 Hobie 16
posted by wczubal1

2011-Hobie 16, $4500/OBO Looking to sell my 2011 Hobie 16 Catamaran. I bought it in 2014 and it is in a great shape. We recently had a baby so won't be able to sail it for a w ...
$4,500.00 6/24/22 11:06pm

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