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8:1 Harken Blocks with 40' 7/16 mainsheet
posted by pbegle

8:1 Harken block system with 40' 7/16" mainsheet with snap shackle on one end. very good condition, $200 plus $20 shipping. 909-800-5237
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12/31/21 2:10pm
Hobie 18 mainsail
posted by pbegle

Hobie 18 dacron main,sail,mostly white with royal blue trim, good condition and made by hobie cat so race legal. $450 plus $40 shipping. 909-800-5237
$450.00 3/21/21 4:14pm
Arriba 4'-8' telescoping tiller extension with cork knob
posted by pbegle

Black Arriba telescoping tiller extension 4'-8' with cork ball. Good condition, $110 plus $20 shipping. 909-800-5237
$110.00 3/21/21 3:45pm
Catamaran masts; Tornado, P-16/18, H-18
posted by pbegle

Have masts for Tornado, Prindle 16 & 18, Hobie 18 and occasionally H-16
$200,300.00 6/9/22 6:56pm
HARKEN Big Blocks 6:1 (75C)
posted by pbegle

HARKEN Big Blocks (75C) 6:1 Low profile rachet triple with becket along with triple for boom. good condition, $200 plus $20 shipping 909-800-5237
$200.00 5/10/21 4:23pm
Prindle 16 white 6oz dacron jibs
posted by pbegle

White 6 oz dacron jibs for Prindle 16 designed by Whirlwind with window & telltales, $300 plus $15 shipping 909-800-5237 used white jibs $100 Also P-18 jibs $100
$300.00 3/21/21 3:35pm
Prindle 18 catamaran
posted by pbegle

Price includes spare rudder, spare tire, Seamon foam battens on main
$1,000.00 6/26/23 9:46pm

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