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How much does it cost to become a member of TheBeachcats.com?

Joining TheBeachcats.com is free! To register all you need is a working email address to confirm it is really you who is registering, and a browser that will accept "session cookies" in order to login.

How do I register for membership with TheBeachcats.com?

  1. Click on the "Register" link in the Main Menu.
  2. Click on "Register"
  3. Click on the appropriate choice in the COPA page to determine that you are over 13 years old or have parental consent to register.
  4. Fill in the new user registration form.
  5. Read and agree to the "Terms of Service" and the "Privacy Policy" of TheBeachcats.com
  6. Click the "New User" button
  7. View the confirmation page and make sure the information is what you meant to provide. Click the "back" link to change the information or the "Finish" button to register.
  8. You get the confirmaton message reminding you to check your email for your password.
  9. Retrieve the password from email and use it to login.
  10. Click on "My Account" and then "Change Your Info" to change your password to something more memorable by filling out the form and clicking the "Change Info" button at the bottom of the page.
  11. Welcome to TheBeachcats.com!

I've lost my password, what do I do?

Resetting a lost password is a two step process. First go to the lost password form and enter your username OR email and click on "Send Password", you will receive the confirmation code by email. Then return to the form and enter your username OR email and also the confirmation code you received, click on "Send password" again and receive a new password by mail. To change your password to something easier to remember (so you don't have to do this again), after you login go to "Your Account", and then "Change my info", fill in the two password fields with our new password and submit the form.

How do I change my password to something I can remember?

To change your password to something easier to remember (so you don't have to do this again), after you login go to "Your Account", and then "Change my info", fill in the two password fields with our new password and submit the form.

The password I received by email won't work!

Common problems: username and passwords are case sensitive Don't confuse the number one (1), lower case L (l), and capital I (I) Don't confuse the number zero (0) with a capital (O)

I can login ok, but when I go to another page I get logged off.

You need to set your browser to allow cookies from thebeachcats.com domain. Otherwise the site has no way to know you have logged in, once you change pages.

How do I delete an account?

You can request deletion of your account by clicking on the "Your Account" link at the top left of the page.

Upcoming Beachcats Events


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