Spring fever is March 21 2008

This is the latest news I have seen.

Spring Fever Regatta 2008
is back on and home again at Milltown Campground

This afternoon, I received a call from my friends at the Army Corps of
Engineers with a proposal for me to consider. They said they would give
me the key to the gate, turn on the water, and the electricity. IF ---
I, personally, would take care of everything else: Including, but not
limited to, cleaning the entire park before and after the regatta,
cleaning and repairing all bath house facilities, removing all trash and
garbage, killing another gazillion fire ants, and raising the lake back
up a few feet from it's present less than full pool level.

Obviously, I agreed to all of it although I sure hope we get a few
inches of rain in the next two months.

So, in short, Spring Fever is back on for this year and if we take care
of the campground, as we always have done in the past, I'm pretty sure
we won't have to go through this exercise again in future years - I'm
just getting too old for this foolishness.

We currently have 38 pre-registered and the web site is back up for
pre-registration as is the list of those that have signed up so far.
I'll do my best to keep it updated on a daily basis.

I know it's getting late but please pre-register as soon as possible.
We really need to know how many are coming so that we can line up the
food and have something to show our sponsors to get them back on board.


My personal thanks to all of you who wrote emails to the various powers
to be. Although it may have already been in the works, my phone rang
within hours after it was announced, along with a couple of your letters
and my interview, in our local newspaper.

See you Easter Weekend.

Spring Fever Coordinator and Campground Maintenance Manager

edited by: adam716ny, Mar 17, 2008 - 12:22 AM
As of 03/15/08 101 boats are registered for this regatta. I only see one other boat from the north east. Come on kids, Its sailing in mid march. take advantage of the warm southern weather. The water in march is as warm as it gets here in summer.(only applies if you live in the north.) We need more h-16 and F-18. its an open class event. icon_confused Check out the web site herehttp://www.twinhulls.com/…ringfever2008/index.html

edited by: adam716ny, Mar 17, 2008 - 12:25 AM
As of 3/13/08
STILL TIME TO SIGN UP and be part of the first 100 boat mulitihull regatta held in the US in the last five years!

We have plenty of food, beverages, shirts, campsites,

and even some recently added water to the lake.

Thanks to all of your emails and letters, Spring Fever

is back on again.

Spring Fever will again host the

Formula-18 Southern Area Championships