With a little luck finding some parts and some imagination i was able to create a dolly for the cost of some duct tape and a foam noodle.
First find a metal pole about 9-10 feet across. The one i found is about and inch and 1/2 i think.
Luckily i noticed my neighbors were throwing out an old John Deere kids electric car, so i popped the wheels off quick before anyone else could get to it.
Next, using a propane torch i heated one end of the pole continuously so i could push it through the middle of the wheels (plastic) to create a bigger hole.
Now using the foam noodle i just cut it up to make the pads and they also sevre as a stop to keep the wheels from sliping. I cut a section out of the foam length wise so that i could use some more duct tape to kinda of clamp down on the noodle so it would no slip.
Im sure after a while the wheels will wear out and slip around more. Also the store bought trax would prob last forever. But, if your like me and will only use them once in a while and cant see yourself paying 300-500 dollars for them, its a great alternative