Hi again guys. Just wanted some info. Have found a reasonably priced Hobie 16 for sale. I know that the boat has sat in the yard for a good couple of years without moving but today I had a good snoop around it following the general guidelines on what to look out for and it generally (to the untrained eye) seems to be in pretty good condition.
That said, I do have a couple of concerns....
a) There are soft spots on the top face of each hull just forward of the trampoline (aprox 50 - 60 cm on each side).
1. Why has this happened?
2. What are the consequences of this?
3. Is it repairable?
4. If so...how? (i do actually quite enjoy fixing things)...and will it last long?
b) Unlike the other hobies Ive seen, the hulls have no registration numbers on them at the back.
1. Why not?
2. Could they be elsewhere?
3. Is this a problem?
c) Any other advice on what to look out for?
I live on the canary Islands (off morrocco) and despite excellent sailing conditions and the best climate in the world (according to the NASA - not me) there arent many hobies for sale so choice is a bit limited. Please let me know if this boat could be fine (in principal). ]