close hauled with good speed
slowly, gradually put the helm over
let out a little main sheet
release jib but don't haul in on opposite side-let it back wind
stay put on leeward side until through eye of wind, then jump over, haul in jib and when set on new tack, haul in main and hike out
At one point I caught up to another H-16 who were having trouble. They knocked her over once, righted fairly quickly but it was clear they were struggling. I think they had water in hulls because they were sitting quite low in the water. Anyway when he missed stays again I was behind him coming up to tack and began to ask if he backwinded his jib, etc but he would have none of it- "just keep clear can't you see we're having issues here?!" Well I think his crew was about to mutiny so I blew by him and his attitude...
So thanks again you all, it was good advice and actually worked quite well.

Nacra 5.0 (destroyed in storm)
Hobie 16 (restored)
Nacra 5.5- amalgam "Franken Cat"