I have a Hobie 21SE up here in Vancouver, Canada and I absolutely love the boat. I've been steeing OD keelboats for decades and this was my first cat. I do regular 50 - 100 mi solos with very little trouble while keeping dry and comfy on the wings. The rig is large, yes, but is easily de-powered in seconds. I've been out in 25 knots and find it a simple matter of dropping the traveller, flattening the main and finding that sweet spot when it gets crazy windy. I've only flipped it once but that was on the day that I got it. We had just finished sailing it 40 miles on the delivery when and I accidently stepped off the back end when reaching for the mainsheet...dumb, dumb, dumb. Immediately after that, I took an old J/24 boom and rigged up a righting pole under the tramp which fortunately, I've never had to use in 3 years. Still, when I can't see land, its comforting to know its there "just in case". I can right the boat on my own with this pole alone and it works beautifully when we tested it.
I'm currently preparing for a complete re-fit replacing all standing/running rigging, tramp, wing tramps, main, Jib, Chute, rudders, adding spinny gear and some other customizations geared towards taking it on a 1000 kilometer run around Vancouver Island in the Pacific Northwest in July of 2011. Just thinking of doing that is a testimony to my opinion of the 21SE.
Anyone care to join me?
Buy it...you'll love it!
David Gauci
H21SE #195
edited by: dgauci, Sep 09, 2009 - 06:06 PM