Classified ad links


Would it be possible to put links in the classified ads to jump between the different categories? I find myself surfing the boats for sale and parts for sale often just to see what is out there. But in order to do that I have to go back to the home page or classifieds home page in order to get to the next category. Maybe having the same link list on the left banner of the home page available when in the classifieds section would enable easier navigation?

I know there may be some ad location issues, but just a thought I had as I was clicking back and forth today.

BTW I love the site and all the valuable information it enables everyone to share.


‘92 H18 w/SX wings
‘95 Hobie Funseeker 12 (Holder 12)
‘96/‘01/‘14 Hobie Waves
while we are making suggestions:
how about a link at the bottom of every thread to go back to the index page so we can then read the next post?
smfinleyWould it be possible to put links in the classified ads to jump between the different categories?


There are drop down links under the Classified Ads link at the top of the page that link directly to the main categories. Is that what you mean?

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
andrewscottwhile we are making suggestions:
how about a link at the bottom of every thread to go back to the index page so we can then read the next post?

I'm not clear what you mean. When viewing this thread you can get back to the list of threads in the "Site Talk" category by clicking on the Site Talk link in the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the thread.

That navigation could be repeated at the bottom of the page I suppose.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
i guess i never realized there were breadcrumbs...
but since you read and scroll down your pages.. i would personally put some nav at the bottom...

i am not suggesting anything is wrong here.. obviously we use and love this forum

edited by: andrewscott, Sep 15, 2009 - 08:06 PM
What I meant was to replicate the links on the left you see when in a forum post that shows:

Home Page
Catamaran Forums
Free Classified Ads
Catamarans For Sale
Used Catamaran Parts

But it looks like I could use the same breadcrumbs you referenced for Andrews question when in the classifieds.

I will agree Andrew that it would be beneficial to replicate the breadcrumbs at the bottom of a long post so you don't have to scroll all the way up, often I will just hit my browser back button. Then again I am usually on the website enough I just go back to the home page and scan the most recent posts for recent activity. These are however nit-picky type things since I also really enjoy the site.

‘92 H18 w/SX wings
‘95 Hobie Funseeker 12 (Holder 12)
‘96/‘01/‘14 Hobie Waves
PS i never browse the catagories.. i only scan the index page for new posts...
Thanks to both of you for taking time to make suggestions, that's what this forum (site talk) is for. I'm always working on the site and trying to improve it, so the more input the better.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
andrewscottwhile we are making suggestions:
how about a link at the bottom of every thread to go back to the index page so we can then read the next post?

I usually just hit the Beachcats logo in the top left corner to go back. I always browse from the first page unless I'm looking for something in particular if it's not listed on the first page forum section I probably don't see it.

Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
Member: Utah Sailing Association
1982 Prindle 18
1986 Hobie 17
1982 Prindle 16
1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
No one uses the "latest posts" link at the top of the forums?

* Start
* Search
* latest posts
* view your posts
* personal settings
It gives you to option of viewing new posts from the last 24 hours or week, or find posts without answers.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
QuoteNo one uses the "latest posts" link at the top of the forums?

never noticed it before...

again.. just feedback here.. you have 100's of links, ads, buttons, etc all over... how can i see any one link?

So i clicked if for the first time ever.. why is that better or how is it different than the index page that shows the most recent one?

Like Dustin,,, i scroll up (since i usually post.. i can't just back button (alt arrow)) back to top... then hit the logo so the index page is refreshed and i don't go back to the same forums (if i didn't refresh.. i would)...

PS i manage 10 websites and getting links to stand out is always a challenge.. you gotta have a flaming rotating logo to get noticed (i know you are aware of this)... i constantly have people ask for things that are front and center... like... "what is my password" ... i have password links all over the check in areas.
Had never used the latest posts link. I will have to give it a try, sounds like a good function.

‘92 H18 w/SX wings
‘95 Hobie Funseeker 12 (Holder 12)
‘96/‘01/‘14 Hobie Waves