I'm planning ahead to the sad day when I have to store my H-16 for the winter. It's a "new" used 1984 and probably was stored outside forever, but now that it's mine I'm taking care of her. I have a storage garage and want to store the boat inside, with hulls drained of course and mast removed. The way the garage is, I have to store the boat on it's side, or resting on hulls with bow upright (i.e. bows pointing towards roof). If possible, I'd like to keep the tramp attached to the hulls. Questions: would you recc taking off the rigging from the hulls and store on mast, or vice versa. Is it OK structurally to store on hulls either stern down (resting on blankets) or resting on side? Lastly, when can I move to Florida or Texas so I don't have to store my boat!
Nacra 5.0 (destroyed in storm)
Hobie 16 (restored)
Nacra 5.5- amalgam "Franken Cat"