Nico - I will show you the trampoline bag that I have when we go sailing in a couple of weeks but thought I would show everyone as I think it is the best way to keep deck uncluttered.

This bag is approximately 2'x6'and is divided into three even sections. Both ends have large pockets where one side I have wetsuits, booties, gloves, extra PFD, etc. The other side I keep four harnesses, righting bucket and any extra bulky gear. The middle secion is divided into two sides, one side is a full pocket that I have all extra line (bow line, jib halyard, main halyard, and a few varying sizes of old line just in case. The other side is divided into two pockets that store everything else. One is for camera, gloves, tools, wallet, phone, etc and the other is generally empty.
The coolest thing about this bag is after I dry everything out after a sail, I just pack it back into the trampoline bag and is ready the next time I go sailing. I just lash the bag onto the front tramp and I am ready to go. It lays generally flush on the tramp and has not gotten in the way. I also lash a soft cooler to this tramp bag. I do not have any good pictures on the boat but wil hopefully remember the next time I go out. I just seem to forget for the last 5-6 times out.....