Hey everyone. I'm a new owner of a 80' Prindle 16. We took it out last weekend for the first time. Saturday was with the Wife since the weather was in the 70's this weekend. Wind was about 10mph, gusting to 14 and was an enjoyable outing and got the wife hooked on this idea of "hull flying". Sunday was a mistake. Sort of like when I used to go surfing on hurricane days when the waves were double overhead, and finally making it past the shore break thinking to myself, this was a bad idea...Sunday the wind was 20mph (gusting to 33mph). All I know, as soon as I caught the downwind leg I was out of there like a bat out of...well you know, the Meatloaf song.

As soon as I tried to jib, I found out how unstable that maneuver was in a cat. Over I went into the drink. I was able to right it the first time, though the wind caught the sails and went over to the otherside. I struggled with it for a couple minutes not able to get the cat back over when a powerboat pulled up and gave me a tug to get upright. Now back on board, the wind caught the sails again and off I went. I tried to turn back upwind but kept getting hung up in the irons. So being nervous about the conditions, I fell off and went down wind where I ended up beaching the cat at the swimming beach on the other side of the lake. Pulled down the sails and waited for the wife (who was trail riding at the lake) to pick me up. Anyways, I now know that I'm more of a 10mph kinda guy at this point.
One thing that was giving me trouble, and it might be the norm was the rudder system. It seem like I had a difficult time to get the rudders down and locked. I'd pulled the down-lock rope, and I couldn't get the rudders down/locked. Seems like there wasn't enough leverage. Any tips on this?
Also, connecting the forestay seems to be a bit of a pain in the ars. The second time that we set it up, we lasso'd a rope around it to be able to pull it down more to get the clevis to line up. Anyone have any tricks to help here?
Anyways, greetings to all the Florida folks. Sure miss the sunshine state, though now landlocked in Kansas. Grew up in Daytona Beach, though spent some time in Apollo Beach near Tampa. This beach cat gets me back in touch with my water side. Too bad the summer has come and gone, but good times are to come.
FYI, a short video of Sunday's bad idea...
edited by: Mr2always, Nov 10, 2009 - 07:25 PM