Yesterday I removed the old lines to measure them, & have a look at how it was done, especially the rear lacing. I noticed there were 9 slots in the tramp, where the line will go around the plastic tube. There are only 7 of the captive slugs in the rear beam. All 7 seven are contained between the two fixtures riveted to the beam,(don't know the technical name for those fixtures). You can see one of these fixtures to the left of the picture. There is also a rivet near each end,in the groove of the track that keeps the slugs from sliding out.
My question is, have I lost 2 of those captive slugs? When going through the assembly manual, & seeing the method they use to lace the rear tramp, I think I need 2 more of those slugs, one for each slot in the tramp. Am I missing something in my interpretation? Picture isn't great, but you get the idea.
The other question is: do you lace the line right around those slugs, or is there supposed to be some sort of "barrel" around the staple portion? The ends of the slugs that take the line seem quite narrow, it looks like that tiny diameter will put alot of stress on the line, if it were padded with some sort of "barrel" it would tend to cut the line much less. The smaller the radius you bend the line around,the more likely you are to cut the line.

edited by: Edchris177, Dec 17, 2009 - 09:50 PM
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