in 1977 a new 5.2 cost about 50% more than a new h16
but 13 years newer is a lot...
check sails, blocks and lines of 5.2 closely as new bits can cost a lot
i have a 5.2 and am biased too
the 5.2's mast in longer than the h16's which means it will be more difficult to raise solo. esp. if it is still the original "free" mast base and not the later "pinned" base
i leave mine mast up on a lake beach next to a h16 and it takes us the same time to raise sails and push off from the beach
i don't like the way the battened jib on h16 hangs up in light air, a real pain when you are solo
i like they way the BIG hulls on the 5.2 can be loaded up and still sail ok
video of 3 adults and 2 children on a 5.2
video of a 5.2 pulling out of a nose dive that would have flipped an h16
edited by: erice, Feb 25, 2010 - 01:07 AM