I am also in my first season with the 5.7. Mast rotation was an option on the boomless models. Mine came with it, but it was Philip (MUMMP) or Ron Beliech who pointed out it was bent, & installed backwards! I removed the wishbone, straightened it in a vise, & reinstalled.
As it came it had 2 short lines, one goes to each fairlead & cleat on the main beam. I think I will change to a single line from the front of the wishbone, through one cleat, then loops around behind the mast, through the other cleat, then attaches to the wishbone. Murrays sells the wishbone, that's all you need, plus a bolt that goes through the mast.
I find that the wishbone tends to bang on the beam if not cleated, I'm going to install a short line to the mast that holds it horizontal. You are right in that it prevents the mast from banging around in light air, but it also is a great power/depower device. The other day, after tacking I was wondering what was wrong as the boat had no speed on the new tack, yet I had the same relative wind. Then I realized I had not released the rotator line, & the mast was facing the wrong way. Once released the mast popped around, with some authority, & the boat took off.
Here is a pic of mine in the backwards setup. The 2 lines at the top are the control lines, they are only a coule of feet long.

Nacraman57 had his upside down for a bottom job a few days ago. I noticed some lines underneath, I think it was a Hawaiian system & i asked him so send me some pics. Hopefully I got him before he righted the boat! If I get them I'll post them.
I got a bag from Colorado, seems fine, I'm going to actually try it in the calmness of my bay this weekend. It is a pretty big bag,(I think they told me 160 lbs of H2O, but I haven't filled it to check. Price was very good) I think you would have to be very strong to hoist the bloody thing on your shoulder, then grab the line & hike out. Mine came with a 3:1 purchase & cleat, seen here.

Either your shock cord is frayed to H.E.L.L., or the hole through the end cap is all torn up. If the end caps were replaced, maybe they used the rear ones, & drilled a hole with rough edges. My front ones have a preformed hole that encompasses a short tube,(1/2")this allows the cord to run quite smoothly.
Philip & Ron have quite a bit of time on this platform, they have been invaluable resources in my resurrection of this classic Cat, as I'm new to it, & Cats in general.
edited by: Edchris177, Jun 23, 2010 - 12:35 PM
Hobie 18 Magnum
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Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
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