I have just aquired a Nacra 5.5 '94.
It works great and I love it but I still have alot of doubt concerning some lines, cleats and how to correctly use the spinnaker, but that's for another time.
The only real problem I have had with it is that I can't get the "O" ring in the top of the mainsail to release from the hook in the masttop. Raising it, and getting it to hook on is also pretty hard but releasing it is more important due to safety issues etc. Had to lay the cat on its side the other day, it was blowing hard and I almost smashed into the hull of a 6.0 in the process. Really stressful situation
I have noticed that the aluminum reinforcement on the sail has gotten pretty scuffed and a few bolts have broken, can't see how that would affect anything but right now it stands between repearing that and changing the system.
Has anyone had similar problems and have a solution?