For all you that say... just jump in, get a big powerful boat... start off big.. and learn how to handle it .. I say... IF YOU BUY A BOAT ABOVE YOUR SKILLSET... do NOT sail it in open waters until you can right it yourself.. or at least get the bows in the wind, or at least get your righting bag out.. and ready to right it when help arives.
Yesterday, in the gulf, being chased home by thunderstorms, i spent 30 minutes yelling at a cat that was turned over. The first time i sailed up to him i yelled "get on the hull and hike out".. he didnt, by my next pass he was not bows into the wind so i yelled "get your bows in the wind"... third pass he still wasn't ready, 4th pass i yelled get your righting bag out.. (by this time he was sterns into the wind". this kept going on.. he fumbled with the bag and the line on for 5 more munites... all the while the thunder was growing louder.
2x another cat and i almost collided trying to get to the mast to try and give it a hand up... neither time was he really even close to ready.
30 minutes into this... i finally yelled.. "you have 3 minutes to get it up, or on my boat.. i am not staying here in a lighting storm"
He still wasn't ready and the other cat was still there.. i said "good luck" and left.. my consciene wouldn't let me leave so i turned around... I then saw a powerboater was now trying to help him right it (still sterns to the wind) and i left.
Later, he came up to me on the beach and said "why all the yelling?" I responded with "Get a h14 and learn how to right it."
It is unfair, to sail in open gulf, with storms all around (70% change of storms) above your skillset, on a boat well above your ability to handle/right and put other peoples boats/lives in a bad spot. If you MUST get a boat way above your ability... stay in the shallow section of the pool utill you can inflate your own waterwings....
I have had troubles righting my boat solo, so i now carry 2 bags.... we all need help at times, but risking other peoples lives/boats is not accceptable
edited by: andrewscott, Aug 23, 2010 - 08:37 PM