This " Old Guy" could out sail probably most people half his age he stayed trapped out the hole time and drove that Prindle 16 hard as it handle I really think he maxed it out we made 1 long run and back I was thinking he is wiped out we are headed for the beach when he said get ready to tack we are heading back out! Lol! amazing this guy is the man! On the way back out he drove it like a maniac again he got knocked off the wire and we capsized then recovered and back out on the wire he went till we got way out at sea again he came in so we could tack back and POP we demasted our friends towed us back in but man what a ride! So as I said the old guys are hardcore it took all I had just to stay onboard to ride at this guys level and he told me thats the only way to sail cats!! Awesome!!!!