funny story:
so i am camping all weekend (this past weekend). It's about an 1/2 hour to sunset, and we have a powerboat pullup. Ends up, its a guy who used to sail very often in our area.. .and a few of the sailors know him. His gf has never been on a cat so i suggest she go out for a spin on one. she is excited to go.
I ask her bf if he wants to go out on my cat. He jumps at the chance. I ask him to please grab himself a pdf from his powerboat just so we are legal. He flips out and says "hell no, if you require me to have one, you are an incompotant skipper and i wont sail with you".
I bite my tounge and say nothing (a new skill i am learning). i figure he can stay on the island, no sweat off my brow. I am going for my 3rd sunset sail in a row, with or without him. He finally sees i am going without him and grabs a brigh orange old school pfd that has never ever been worn, and puts it on. I look at him and say "you dont have to wear it, but you have to have it incase we get pulled over i want to be legal".
his gf is on the other boat freaking out, laughing etc that he is wearing it.. as she has never seen him wear one in the 10 years they were powerboating...
edited by: MN3, Sep 20, 2010 - 01:49 PM