where is the race? (ocean, inland, greatlakes, bathtub)
what time of year (winter has a larger basked of gear needed) is there a chase boat? (if not, then a gps/vhs flares etc)
besides the basics (h20, righting line, pdf for all and 1 throw-able, and righting bags)
i ALWAYS carry, first aid kit, small tool kit with several unique parts for my boat (rudder parts, tools to adjust rudders, etc), collapsible paddle, knife, extra line (for towing or being towed).
I have 4 ports, 1 i converted into a hatch (front portside) and i added a small rectangular front tramp to hold my cooler, anchor, righting bag(s), radio, throwable pfd
Water, asprin, granola bars, fruit cups, hard candy, gum and maybe an old type GPS with the marks pin pointed before race begins if possible, flashlight, extra water if race is in salt water - a squirt of fresh water in the face feels great after many hours, suntan lotion/zinc for face, a hat,