really need more info all round
start with where you are in the world
next state if the boat comes with a trailer or not, if yes, what condition is the trailer?
from there is the boat complete? if you think it might be unroll the sail and tell us of any markings on it, eg. if it's a hobie 21" it's likely to have something like that on the sail along with a sail number, if it's a 25' c-class cat then it is likely to have a "C" on the sail
after that photos or link to similar boat would be very helpful
hobie 21
old c-class cat
next the width would help and the condition of the rudders and daggers, are they varnished wood or frp etc.
whatever it is someone is bound to want it or parts of it but 1st they'll need to know if you are in newport or new zealand
edited by: erice, Oct 03, 2010 - 07:00 PM