Yesterday I came accross a Nacra 18m2 up for sale in my hometown, Amsterdam.
Never heard of a 18m2 Nacra so I browsed the web only to find it has 5.5 hulls,
lenght is 5.5 mtr (18 feet) beam is a stunning 3.25 mtr (10.7 feet) !! and it has
a main only.
I sailed my p 18-2 solo till late fall, and topspeed always was 19 knts, whatever I
tweaked , couldn't get it any faster and I want to go faster. I have the impression
the p 18-2 has a somewhat outdated hulldesign.
Will I be able to right the Nacra solo considering the beam?
I am a big guy 6.4 ft and 280 pnds but still .......

Pricing is very tempting, so has anyone sailed a Nacra 18m2 ?
Any information about the 18m2 is welcome.
Greetings, André
Edited by catmodding on Nov 30, 2010 - 10:26 AM.
Tornado (80's Reg White)
Prindle 18-2 (sold)
Dart 16 (hired and hooked)
13 mtr steel cutter (sold)
Etap 22, unsinkable sailing pocket cruiser.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands