Hey All,
I was hoping someone could give me some tips on how to right my Dart 18 after a capsize (solo). When I first got the boat I was 13st 7lbs, but I've lost a lot of weight since (now 10st 5lbs). At the heavier weight I found it effortless.
I had an incident last November out in a force 6 single handed (drag racing a mate) where I had gone into irons for a short rest and a wind shift caught me by surprise and the boat capsized. I couldn't right it no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't even point the nose into the wind. With the help of a good friend I got back inshore and the coast guard later retrieved my boat but this has left me worried that if it were to happen again could I cope?
Are there any tips on getting the boat back over for lightweights like myself should it happen again?
Many thanks - Trev