Posted: Sep 23, 2011 - 09:32 PM
It was a h16, picked it up today for 150, not quite sail-able but close. I need the mast but everything else is for sale, cat fever sails, I would keep the sails but I already have cat fever sails. Who needs a deal on h16 parts, I'm paying in forward but need to make some money for the wife to make up for having 3 boats. Let me know if you need anything. I can send pics, pm me.
Hulls aren't soft BUT there is a decent crack at the transom corner, can be repaired but a eye sore right now.
Cesar (Cez) S.
Hobie 16 (had a few)
Nacra 5.2 "Hull Yeah"
Vectorworks XJ - A class (not named yet)
West Michigan (Grand Rapids/Holland Area)