Stolen Boat Alert, Long Beach, MS

Lets keep our eyes out for this boat. Hate to see this S**t.

Memphis, TN
'84 Hobie 18
damn, that sucks, have been on the water quite a bit this past week, will keep my eyes peeled.
I posted this on the Hobie and the Catsailor forums as well so hopefully someone will spot it.

Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
Member: Utah Sailing Association
1982 Prindle 18
1986 Hobie 17
1982 Prindle 16
1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
"Yellow hulls" ?

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
Did you post the hull ID#
I posted the link to here to whatever is on the craigstlist site.

Dustin Finlinson • Magna, UT
Member: Utah Sailing Association
1982 Prindle 18
1986 Hobie 17
1982 Prindle 16
1980 Prindle 16(mostly)
1976 Prindle 16(mostly)

Check out "Prindle Sailors" on Facebook.
will post a note on the board at OSYC too... our folks are all over the coast, from panaman city to baton rouge.. if it's up somwehere for sale we'll hollar....

one guy had his H16 stolen frmo his condo in biloxi... anohter member saw it at a used boat place in pascagoula on consignment... went into the consignment place told the owner its a stolen boat... consignment place called the cops, guy got his boat back..

but really.. whos goign to steal a boat off the beach... that's a lot of work for the average punk to go through.

too bad man... will keep a lookout.
Anybody know if this boat was recovered? Craigslist ad was apparently deleted?

Jerome Vaughan
Hobie 16
Clinton, Mississippi
I'm pretty sure my girlfriend told me it was back on the beach in long beach.
Thanks.....good to know.

Jerome Vaughan
Hobie 16
Clinton, Mississippi