In the 5 years of cat sailing I've done (average 25 outings per year) I've had 2 broken bridals, 2 broken shrouds and one failed or loosened main shackle. Three of those years I've had two cats on the water. On all occasions, excluding the shackle. I don't ever recall pulling off two pieces of wire, it's always a single frayed wire on one end. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I conclude that these are not actually breaks in the wire at all, but a failing at the swag. No? If one one wire in the cable were to work free and slip though, this would allow room for others to follow suit. I've never had any failures when the standing rigging was replaced by me. I really like the standing rigging that I've purchased from Murrays with the stainless steel ends on the shrouds. Murrays catalog says that the swagging is done hydraulically. Do you guys feel that hydraulic swagging is more reliable than with a swagging tool? I believe doing it yourself with two swagging points would probably resolve any doubt.
I think most of you would agree that new standing rigging is a must; the frustration of a demasting and damages to boat and sail are too high.
Just fishing for various opinions....TIA