So I bought a parts boat that had sails there were in decent shape (well the main was anyways), the jib had some issues, a rodent in them. So I had the chewed up areas repaired by a professional sail maker and I spent some time cleaning them, I could not get the urine stains off of the jib though. After a couple failed attempts (which I'll list in a bit) I decided to just discount them and cut my losses and put them on the market. Unfortunately no one was every interested after seeing the pics and I really didn't want to take any more of a hit and lower the price so I did some more digging, here is what I found.
My stains were pretty baked on, not sure how old they were but they were at least one winter old, when I bought the boat the sails were in a poorly insulated garage.
first thing that I tried was diluted dish soap and scrubbing with a soft brush over tarp on the driveway, no luck.
Then I did some online research for urine on sails and found a lot of people used two things 5% white vinegar or nature's miracle (available a pet stores and is made for this type of thing)
$20+ and a couple hours later, no luck.
So I thought that I would try oxyclean, but before I did, I looked on forums to see if someone else had tried it and it had been done with great reviews. So I bought the just over 1lb container of oxyclean and used a 20 gallon storage tub for soaking, mixed about 75% of the container and about 16-18 gallons of water and put the jib in to soak agitating it every once in a while. After a 24 hour soak (because I was busy sailing) and a good rinse (soak and spin cycle in the washer, NO agitation) they look great, still as crisp as they were, which I was worried about for some reason.
Long story short, oxyclean worked for me, worth a try.
ps. Hobie 16 cat fever sails up in the classifieds now. if interested pm me, 300 shipped
Cesar (Cez) S.
Hobie 16 (had a few)
Nacra 5.2 "Hull Yeah"
Vectorworks XJ - A class (not named yet)
West Michigan (Grand Rapids/Holland Area)