Posted: Aug 20, 2012 - 12:13 PM
i see no appreciable speed increase when i apply the downhaul,
what i see is:
less healing, allowing me to have a more controlled boat. sailing at the optimal angle to the wind, with the lee hull in the correct position on the water, without getting blasted with gusts and healing to extreems
the mechanics are:
sail makers build curves into sails to produce draft, cord (and luff and leach)
tightening the luff (via downhaul) stretches the material and moved the draft forward
using the downhaul will bend the top of your mast back & down and closer match the curves cut into the sail (and make it flatter)
PS the outhaul does this too
A flatter sail will spill off more air than a full one.
Modern (flat top) sails have more sail area up there for power, but also will easily bend (the top angled batten) and spill off lots of air to combat over-powering (to a degree)