Posted: Oct 25, 2012 - 11:38 AM
A lot of people use the term 'mast base' when talking about two different pieces. The mast base is the part on the bottom of the mast, the mast step base is the part on the front beam that the mast base goes into when stepped.
Both are smaller than the 16 counterparts, hoever, a 16 step base can be used with a 14 mast. There are so many out there, it shouldn't be a problem getting the proper parts.
Now, the stock (non-factory turbo) step base does not have a post for the dolphin striker like the 16. The factory ones did. That makes a big difference when looking for one. You can put the non-striker one on the beam, then get an aftermarket dolphin striker and have a perfectly good set up.
If you could attach a photo, it might be easier to diagnose..