How the heck do you tie up your catamaran at the dock?
That recent survey on boat lifts got me to thinking... There's only one beach on this island I can use to put a trailer in the water, and it's over an hour away down some seriously twisty roads. Most of the good spots to put in are rocky beaches or rocky harbors with boat ramps. In case the term "rocky beach" doesn't convey what I'm trying to say, this might:
This place has a boat ramp:

This place doesn't, and doesn't allow you to beach a boat:

So for me putting in is an involved process. The trailer goes in the water, my family goes in the water, and everyone but me glides the boat off the trailer and into the water. After that I go park the car while they hold on for dear life to keep the boat from smacking into some hull-eating rock.
But there's a ray of hope! One of the ramps I use has two docks right next to it. These are the typical wooden pylon affair with a wooden deck. None of them float. So at low tide you'd have to jump about six feet onto the deck of the boat. At high tide it's only about a two foot drop.
Regardless, the boat is going to rub against pylons. It's not a kind dock.
If I got some boat-length fenders, I could probably pull this off without damaging my boat. But I honestly don't know where I'd stow the things when I'm sailing. I know there's something I'm missing. Any ideas? I'd love to make putting in and taking out a lot less stressful on me and my family. If I can use the dock to make that happen, I'm in.
Tom Benedict
Island of Hawaii
P-Cat 18 / Sail# 361 / HA 7633 H / "Smilodon"