How deep is the water at the edge of the breakwall? If not more than 4-5' you can sit the Cat on a modified seadoo lift. Roller furling is real bonus if you go this route. Normally I walk the Cat around the power boat & tie to dock, then raise sails.
We do it with 2 Nacras, a 5.0 & a 5.7.

Petes roller idea works well. A retired gent down the bay uses a modified version, utilizing two sections of conveyor rollers, the ones you see in the Beer Store for sliding large cases along. The top ends are secured to his breakwall, the bottoms are kept true by securing a 2x4 across them at the appropriate distance. The weight of the roller section keeps them submerged on an angle. He doesn't have to worry about stopping short of the wall & lifting the bows up, they work like a low friction ramp. He has small winch installed to bring his Hobie 17 right out & hold it. He just reverses the winch to let it slide back into the water.
I use Petes idea, just walking the boat up to the breakwall & lifting the bows.(Depending on water depth, you may have to reach over the breakwall from land). Instead of 2 rollers I have 2x4 screwed to the edge of a 12' 2x10 floor joist. It sort of forms an "L" shape. Hang the 2x4 edge over the breakwall, with the 2x10 laying flat on top of the wall. There is enough weight it won't get lost or move, & you don't have to worry about lining things up,(my breakwall is made of those 4' long flat topped rocks, sharp edges, hard on boats). The boat slides easily on the wood, though I only bring it ashore at the end of season, or if I need to work on it.
Edited by Edchris177 on Dec 05, 2012 - 12:40 PM.
Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap