Sail Honeymoon on Dunedin Causeway In Trouble

Not strictly beachcat related but I'm a fan of small concession businesses and thought some of the locals might be interested.

The Sail Honeymoon business had a 20 year concession that is up at the end of the month. Seems most people want him to stay but city rules call for the contract go out to bid, which could end the business.

What do the local Dunedin area folks here think? Story on a Dunedin website.…auseway-to-go-up-for-bid

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
Glen has been a friend to the cats, good for the causeway, promoter of the sport, and sponsor of many local races. I would be sad to see his agreement with the city handed to another vendor, especially since Glen has 10's of thousands of $'s in waveriders / paddleboards , but i think it is fair to put it out for bid.

Several other people tried to run the causeway concessions but none were successful or stayed in business for long.

What isn't fair is that he was promised a long term contract many years ago, and it never happened but that is the past, and that's what happens when dealing with local (or bigger) gvt's.

We supported Glen 3 years ago when his (non) contract didn't happen, and the city started to talk about getting bids. We had about 40 people packed into Dunedin's small townhall meeting as a show of support for him.

I spoke with him a few weeks ago about getting the group together again and he said "not needed, i am taking different approach this time".

I dealt with / worked with the Dunedin city council, town lawyers, and parks/rec dept heads (as well as the police) to write up the overnight parking rules/permits and they were mostly great to work with, and very accommodating to our needs.
Dont know about there but here the person that currently holds the lease gets the final bid on stuff like 16th section and city owned property

Lee - On the BIG Lake in MS

Harstil Kaulua 31 - Current Project Boat
Cal 25 - What ? Time to freshen it up again??
MC Scow 16 (1 in the water and 1 parts/project) SOLD
Capri 22 - What do you mean you wont deliver it??
Chrysler Pirateer 13 - new addition to the fleet
there is no lease, no contract, no agreement except to revisit the RFP in 2 years (that was 2 years ago)
Here's an update that Glen sent out to the Tampa Bay Cat Sailors Yahoo group. For those interested in helping.

Glen SteinkeI hate to ask but I NEED YOUR HELP

City staff is recommending doing an r.f.p. [request for proposal] for Causeway concessions, basically taking Sail Honeymoon and auctioning it off to the highest bidder!

Why? Because it is policy. This a policy that was set two years ago. I have been a part of Dunedin Causeway since 1992 and have worked very hard for a majority of my adult life to build a successful business where all else have failed since the mid seventies, I have done this with no more than a year to year contract and many years of a month to month agreement at the request of the city. In the past RFP's have not been used to take away a successful business from someone on city property but instead used to find a viable tenant when and business failed, new contract could not be negotiated or when new business situations were created.

It has never been the intent of city staff or administation to allow me to build a business and then sell it out from under me, it does seem 1 or 2 in city hall want to do just that.

The city commission will be discussing this policy and weather or not I can have a long term contract Thursday March 7th.


1st: E-mail city comission, encourage them to allow me a long term contract, please be positive, be clear:

2nd: I could use a lot of support the night of the meeting, come out and show the city you support Sail Honeymoon.

3rd: Tell your friends and other residents of Dunedin to do one of the above.

There is city parking behind the shops across the street, we will have name badges supporting Sail Honeymoon outside city hall this thursday March 7th starting at 6:15 the meeting starts at 6:30 this is the first item on old business and should be coming up around 7:00 p.m. The more people that show up the better this will go.

I know this is a lot to ask, but if there is any way you can make an appearance please, please show up. Beers and cheers or tears afterwards, at Eddies.

Hope to see you Thursday.

Thank you
Glen steinke / Sail Honeymoon

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
If i were closer I would be there (1,300 miles away). These guys were nice to the wife and I when we were down there several years ago on vacation. Everyone within a reasonable driving distance needs to head over if they can. Best of luck. Ricardo.

Lake Perry KS
N-5.5 UNI +spin
I will be there,

RicardOben and others, if you could write to the Dunedin city council with support, that would be awesome!

Mayor Dave Eggers -
Commissioner Ron Barnette -
Commissioner Julie Scales -
Vice Mayor Commissioner Julie Ward-Bujalski -
The City of Dunedin City Manager Rob DiSpirito -

Edited by MN3 on Mar 05, 2013 - 02:02 PM.
All cities are looking for revenue and I doubt that it will end any time soon. We see it here on the East coast as well. Cutting back on life guards, raising parking meter rates, occupational license fee etc.
You may have to be sure you are the highest bidder if it comes to that.
Good luck
Email sent to Mayor. Hope it works out. Ricardo.

Lake Perry KS
N-5.5 UNI +spin
Any updates?
sxrracerAny updates?

sure ...

It came out that (a few years ago ) there was a long term contract that was agreed upon by the parks dept, city lawyer and sailhoneymoon that was about to completed when the city manager heard about it and put it out for RFP (request for proposal) that sparked this whole situation.

One city councilor was insinuating there was some "foul play" afoot with the city manager, then the mayor called her out to produce her proof. She turned to the mayor and about chewed his head off and said "David (the mayor) I said am done with this".

Despite a packed city hall (in support), the council voted 3-2 against giving Sail Honeymoon a contract or extension on his current non-contract situation and put the location out to RFP from the public.

I personally spoke and stated "you may find another vendor who will pay more rent, but Glenn has over 25 years as a mariner, and is a vendor in a relatively dangerous location that has powerboats, jetskis, kayaks, sailboats and the intra-coastal all in the same area, and has saved countless lives by not renting out gear in conditions that a new vendor might rent out (trying to recapture their investment)"

Then the mayor "accidentally" leaked out what Sail Honeymoon had offered to pay in rent in the past, which was a violation of the Sealed Bid process.... (this is on public access tv).

so we will have to wait and see who puts in a bid, and who it is awarded to, and if it changes (or ends) the rental part of sailhoneymoon
sxrracerAny updates?

sure ...

Thanks for the update. Local politics really gets ridiculous. No room for common sense, hope it turns out ok in the end. At least if SH doesn't win they can now bring suit for damages against the Mayor and retire. icon_razz

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new Forums HERE.
on the other side:
The city was very agreeable (4-1) and flexible when I worked with them with the beach parking permits a few years back.

sxrracerAny updates?

sure ...

Thanks for the update. Local politics really gets ridiculous. No room for common sense, hope it turns out ok in the end. At least if SH doesn't win they can now bring suit for damages against the Mayor and retire. icon_razz
All politics are local, good or bad. Ricardo.

Lake Perry KS
N-5.5 UNI +spin
Just came from the meeting on Dunedin Causeway concessions, city staff is recommending,,,
by unanimous decision ,,,,,, ,,,,,, SAIL HONEYMOON!!!!!!
this makes it a 99% done deal.!!!
should be before city commission for approval may 2nd.
Everyone that showed up and everyone that helped, THANK YOU (from Glen and Tina)
MN3Just came from the meeting on Dunedin Causeway concessions, city staff is recommending,,,
by unanimous decision ,,,,,, ,,,,,, SAIL HONEYMOON!!!!!!
this makes it a 99% done deal.!!!
should be before city commission for approval may 2nd.
Everyone that showed up and everyone that helped, THANK YOU (from Glen and Tina)

Fantastic News. I've been there and I'm glad to hear this. Thanks for your efforts Andrew.
