I have a friend in Chicago whom I visit every year and spend some time on his 37 ft boat, on Lake Michigan. Haven't learned a whole lot, but have a basic understanding.
Here in Utah we have the Salt Lake, Deer Creek, Utah Lake, and the Jordanelle within striking distance. I am looking probably at a cat, something I can take the grandkids out with for a leisurely sail, or perhaps a little time with my Sunfish pal, but don't see us doing any serious racing etc.
Simplicity and economy are probably my primary concerns, and it must trailer well.
I have so far found several Hobie Cats, 16 and 18, and a Prindle 18 all reasonably close and well within my $3K budget.
Any reccomendations, things to look for, things to look out for?
Is the Prindle as reasonable to rig as a Hobie? Parts availability and cost?
Thanks in advance!