Beach Wheels

I would like to buy Wheeleez for my Hobie 16. Can anyone tell me what size wheels and axle that I will need? Can you buy the whole unit assembled?
the real deal wheels (cat trax) are made in florida byfloridasailcraft

contact your local hobie dealer or sail shop. they can order them for you

they come complete (light assembly required but can be done by the dealer)
+1 on that. Sailgirl, do yourself a favor and save some money as well, go with the cat trax, much better design for catamarans.

thesailgirl1I would like to buy Wheeleez for my Hobie 16. Can anyone tell me what size wheels and axle that I will need? Can you buy the whole unit assembled?

Welcome to thesailgirl1,

Introduce yourself, you might be able to try out or borrow some wheels to decide what you want. A lot depends on the surface you will be moving the cat on. Easy on concrete, hard on Florida Panhandle sand.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

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