Many factors to take into consideration, purchase price, distance driven (gas), condition of cat, condition of trailer and most important conscience. I purchased a P18 for $600 but had to drive to Ohio for pickup, 16 hr round-trip. Boat cleaned up good, solid hulls, elbow grease and poliglo, needed new tramp, trailer in good condition, replaced bearings, replaced tires, sold it for a profit but had to deliver it to AK. Picked up a P15 for $300 but had to drive 14 hrs round-trip, hulls were solid, a little elbow grease and poliglo cleaned right up, but had to replace tramp, stays, source a boom, lines, had to replace axle on trailer, bearings, tires, safety chains, put a jib on, jib blocks, barely broke even on that P15. I fix it, sail it, tweak it a bit and only then will my conscience allow me to sell it in satisfactory condition. And most times the sale includes setup, sail and breakdown, I've helped several newbies into cat sailing.......priceless..
The other factor is location, if you live on the coast you have access to many more cats in close proximity but you will pay a little more, living in the mid-west cats are few and far in-between but cheaper.
Edited by the-renovator on Jan 02, 2014 - 03:42 PM.