I grew up on a Laser and a Hobie 16. For the H16, if you are talking about adults, I agree that one crew is the target, two crew is acceptable and not uncomfortable. For kids, it is about the same equation, just because you have to keep up with everyone. However, my family (father, mother, sister, and I) used to sail from James Island, out of Charleston harbor to the beaches on a Hobie 16. We had a great time. I recall my mother or father taking another adult and me for a sail, and that was off shore.
When I skippered, I usually had only one friend with me. However, we had enough beer and wine-coolers on board to equal another adult. We compensated by leaving behind all non-required-by-law safety gear. That was OK back then because I knew everything and the wind blew on-shore

On the laser, I usually sailed by myself. I probably first went with a parent, but my memory does not reach back that far. I never hauled any gear with my Laser, but I have some co-workers with Lasers, and they go camping with theirs.
The above posts are correct. A Laser is a great boat, and easier to rig, but is limited in how much crew and gear can be stowed. I believe the cats can haul more crew than indicated in the previous posts, and I recognize you will go much faster with the target crew.
Hobie 16
South Carolina Lake sailing