I have recently moved to the Northern California coast and have been interested in buying a small beach cat but need a little advise on the right boat for me if possible.
I will be sailing it in two locations: flat water lagoons that are separated from the ocean by a thin strip of sand. (Think flat water lake right next to the beach with medium-strong winds from the ocean.) Also, want to sail it in the ocean. (Beach launch into 2-3' waves, 10-15kt. winds, and consistent 3-6' rolling swells without breakers). Ideally I'd like a boat that can be singlehanded but can comfortably accommodate two people and maybe a little gear for downwind ocean camping trips. I am not interested in circuit sailing so configuration concerns are only for functionality in my uses.
Please correct me if my logic is incorrect for cat sailing, but I am partial to something with daggerboards as I am used to using them in monohull sailing and it would make sense to me that in the ocean and in upwind conditions they are useful at the cost of having to manage them in the shallows and possibly of whacking one, which is a real possibility in my offshore locations.
There are a few candidates that stand out from my research but I am very open it other, better choices (price is a concern or I'd probably look into something in the 20's):
1. Narca 5.2
2. Hobie 18
A design feature difference that concerns me is that the Narca 5.2 seems to have little rocker and the hulls are fairly blade-like (narrow and squared) compared to the Hobie's 18 upswept nose (looks more like my sea kayak). Is there a functional difference in waves that a cat sailor needs to be concerned about? Or is this not a particular issue?
Thank you to all you cat sailors out there can help me with finding the right boat!
JJ Briggs
Arcata, Ca