So I am assembling my 1982 Nacra 5.0 and would like to inquire with Veteran Nacra sailors about the mast ball (upgraded to 1.5 ball). After talking with a local it seems that no matter how tight they put the mast ball on the dolphin striker rod it continues to move with the mast while sailing (even with 5200 sealant applied). So is there a preferred method to install the ball so it does not move? Should I polish the mast base so the ball would move more freely? Should I install some form of lubricant on the ball/base so the mast would move freely on the ball. My concern with the movement is that the weight of the mast moving on the ball it would degrade the threads and ultimatley lead to a failure.
Better yet is this any concern at all?
Thanks for any recommendations. Kevin
VA Beach, VA
Nacra 5.0
Nacra 5.2