What happened to the "Places to Sail" page?

I've been trying to uncover the location of the "places to Sail" page that was I believe int he archive folder/page and now I can't locate it. Has anyone located it or did it get thrown out? Thanks.
I've intended to revive "places to sail" for a long time, maybe this thread can help me focus on it now that other site upgrades are complete.

The original "places to sail" was on the old "on the wire", and is still available in the archives at http://www.thebeachcats.c…/catsail.com/places.html

I need input on what information would best help other beachcat sailors looking for a place to sail. I'd like to have the basic description information, plus have members who have sailed the location leave comments, and maybe become contacts for the area.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.
I looked at Magnolia Beach in Texas after seeing the old places to sail. It was as described but lacked one important detail, it was shallow. My daggerboards wouldn't have survived an hour. A contact would've saved a lot of fuel! Great idea.

edited by: turtlecat, Oct 21, 2008 - 07:04 PM

Is this idea still alive?
The idea is still with us, the execution so far has been lacking.

I'm working to get a major site upgrade done over the winter for TheBeachcats.com, just have to fit it in between web jobs that pay the bills.

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.

I think it is a great idea.
Totally understand Damon. Is there a way that your troops here can help out? Gathering info, assimilating info, wash your car, wax your boat...lol
turtlecatTotally understand Damon. Is there a way that your troops here can help out? Gathering info, assimilating info, wash your car, wax your boat...lol

The boat can stay dirty till Easter, although I do have some fiberglass damage that needs attention. icon_lol

My plan for the places to sail database is to have a form to fill in where members can submit places, then the other members could supply additional details, pictures, gps routes, comments and stories about the location.

It would help if we could work up a list of basic data fields that should be collected about a "place".


closest city
launch type - ramp/beach/none
hours available
camping/housing nearby

What information do we need about a place to determine it's level of "beachcat friendlieness"?

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

Join the discussion at the all new TheBeachcats.com Forums HERE.
It would be neat if we could use something like a communal google mapmaker to be able to see them all at a glance and add/edit as necessary.

Pile of Nacra parts..
launch type. ex, beach, ramp, rocky etc.