Hi all. I was looking for a H16 hull replacement and came across a real gem! (in my eyes) I found a 1980 Hobie 18 for $500.00. This cat must have been in a garage for over 20 years. It has a bright yellow gel coat and the red pin stripes are not even damaged a bit!! The bottom of the hulls have barley any marks at all. This makes my H16 look like a real piece of something. I paid $800 for the H16. So, I'm interested in a set of wings but I hear SX and Magnum as choices. I also heard they may need to be braced in some way. I'm afraid if purchase a set on line ,they may not fit. Are the pretty much universal? I also read once you go wings, you never go back. Is this true? Thanks in advance for any advice!!
Edited by trailertrashjohn on Nov 29, 2014 - 04:15 AM.