Wow........ interesting pictures and read. The way it's set up, there's a continuous traveler line and no way to cleat it. It's like you have to hand hold the traveler line to keep it where you want it. That's crazy.
No where in any of the documents on does it say anything about rigging the traveler. I did see where it talked about keeping the traveler centered or out as much as 18 inches from center.
My fix would be 2 open clam cleats…ats/default.asp?menuid=1 one placed maybe 12 inches in from the fair lead that the the traveler line goes thru toward the ends of the beam about where the third grommet inboard is on the tramp. The other on the opposite side of the boat. Only cleat one at a time. The one on the windward side.
The above is just an idea. Hope it helps. Strange boat.
Edited by nacra55 on Jun 27, 2015 - 12:57 AM.
Nacra F18
Reservoir Sailing Assn.
Brandon, Mississippi