I agree with the need to practice. Last capsize I could not even deploy the righting pole because I had made it too complicated and after a while I forgot how to use it.... Also after I could right it (with the help of a power boat....), the rudders got jammed and the boat started sailing fast and I was left behind... Two cat sailors could get on a power boat and could actually jump on board and try to right it. But two or three times when it was almost up it would start sailing and capsize again. Reason? Cunningham was tight.. Practice also helps remember things: I knew about that but totally forgot..
Last but not least, one thing that I learned from an incident that is worth to share: We were two, so no need to use a righting pole, just righting line. I took the line and my crew took it too, right below my hands. On the last millisecond before starting the move, I realized that the line was rolled around one of my hands.. just above my crew hands... I cried STOP like crazy and could avoid disaster.. I still have bad dreams about it...