Repairing rough holes in Hobie "Racing" rudders.

I've got a pair of the old fiberglass Hobie Racing Rudders they used to sell. Got them as backups and they are really nice and light and in good shape overall.

But the holes for the casting bolts are kind of jagged, all you fiberglass experts please look at the pictures and make suggestions on how to proceed.

Use as is? Fill the holes and redrill? If so then exactly how is that done?

here http://www.thebeachcats.c…ictures?g2_itemId=120623

Damon Linkous
1992 Hobie 18
Memphis, TN

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Yea I'd redo those for sure. It's easy. For that volume of hole I'd just get a 5 buck tube of 2 part epoxy, tape off the bottom of the hole and fill. Sand the surface, mount the castings and drill away. You could trace a pencil outline of the location of the rudder castings onto the blade to help you position them for redrilling the hole.

The epoxy will hold stronger than poly resin. Just make sure when you pour it in the hole you don't trap a big air bubble in there since it mixes thick enough to possibly do that.. Other than that its an easy repair.
Fill and drill for sure.
