Pete Begle Freestyle 474

Pete, was it you that picked up, or was looking into a Freestyle 474 last fall, winter that needed some parts?

Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap
Yes, it turned out quite nice. Prindle mast fit it well. Have new dacron solid tramp and deck sweeper main. Pete
Good to hear. I saw this ad, FREE, if you happen to have transportation, might be some good spare parts.

Hobie 18 Magnum
Dart 15
Mystere 6.0XL Sold Was a handful solo
Nacra 5.7
Nacra 5.0
Bombardier Invitation (Now officially DEAD)
Various other Dock cluttering WaterCrap